Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

It's been awhile since we have updated the blog, no excuses just being busy with the holidays and trying to get everything in order at the 156 house. It looks like it may be about a month or so before we can go HOME.

This is how the 156 house looks like now. We have a new roof, screened in porch(almost), kitchen. The work crew should be back on 1-2-07 and get to work on finishing up painting, light fixtures, counter tops, floors, gutters and whatever else needs to be completed.

Twelve Gifts I Wish for You in the New Year
Happiness.........Deep down within.
Serenity......... With each sunrise.
Success....... In each facet of your life.
Family....... Beside you.
Close and caring friends.
Health....... Inside you.
Love..... That never ends.
Special Memories........ Of all the yesterdays.
A bright today......... With much to be thankful for.
A path....... That leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams........ That do their best to come true.
Appreciation......... Of all the wonderful things about you.
Author unknown
A Good Recipe for a Happy New Year
Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all
bitterness, hate and jealousy.
Make them as fresh and clean as
possible... Now cut up each month
in twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-
one different parts, but don't
make up the whole batch as one.
Prepare it one day at a time out of
these ingredients.... Mix well into
each day one part of faith,one
part of patience, one part of
courage, and one part work.
Add to each day one part hope,
faithfulness, generosity and
kindness. Blend with one part
prayer, one part meditation and
one good deed. Season the whole
with a dash of good spirits, a
sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play
and a cupful of good
humor... Pour all of this into a
vessel of love. Cook thoroughly
over radiant joy, garnish with a
smile and serve with quietness,
unselfishness and cheerfulness.
You're bound to have a
Author unknown
Wishing all God's Love & Blessings

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