Friday, June 06, 2008

Mother's Day

Well, I always say that I am going to do better about updating the blog, but this time I'm not going to say it. No way, I'm not promising that that this blog is ever going to be up to date. In fact I'm going to say the extreme opposite......I'm going to venture out and say that it might be a couple of months before mom or myself actually upload another post. I guess what really happens is we get too busy! So, for the moment enjoy the new post and pictures and check back with us once in a while to see if we have actually updated the blog or not! This picture was taken on Mother's Day. I thought it was a pretty good picture. I tried really hard to find something that matched mama's outfit. By the way that's hard to do sometimes considering my mother is a size 2 and I'm just now back in a size 12. I'm returning from the size 14-16 world for the past few years! That's the good part, but the bad part has been that for the last few weeks every time I plan on an outfit, it falls off my body. Yes, this is a good problem, actually great for a girl who loves to shop and still lives at home with mom & dad! (Ha ha) Then it happened..........I was uploading the Mother's Day picture to the blog and I realized that I myself had committed a fashion faux pas. I wore the the same outfit on Mother's Day 2007 & 2008! How could this have happened? After all I'm a very fashion conscious person. What was I thinking? I guess I wasn't, so for pure proof and laughter here's the picture from Mother's Day 2007 . I do enjoy the hat!!! It was a nice addition, and this way you can tell the skirt and shirt combo was a little more snug in 07 than 08. I even matched the same shoes with the outfit! Now readers I have so many shoes it's unbelievable. Now, why would I wear the same pair with the same outfit on two consecutative Mother's Days? Oh well, I guess the point of this post has been I'll talk to you around Father's Day and I'm signing off to go make sure I don't wear the same outfit for that occasion! Oh My:o
Yours in fashion crisis,
~Ashley On a seperate but equal note.......... I have included a picture of Kerrie on this post. I did so because she came down for a wedding over the Memorial Day weekend and we grabed a few pictures with her and Mom because we knew that she wouldn't make it back down for a little while anyway. I can say that sense her move to Bristol TN things have been different to say the least. We have both done pretty good about calling and staying in touch. It seems that every couple of months we go up or they come down to vist for a weekend. We took off and visited her at the end of March, then they came down for the wedding a few weekends ago, and if I were a betting woman I'd say mom, mema, and I will be visiting sometime in July before our beach trip. Anyway, Kerrie if your reading and laughing at this rambling "WE LOVE YA" Here is the yearly visit with Mema on Mother's Day! This is one of my all time favorite pictures of us. We always take her a gift, usually a flower or something for the yard, and just sit a chat for a while. Mother's Day was a great day again this year! Love Ya Mema.


Anonymous said...

I can not believe you wore the same outfit, I mean you of all people... You did not wear the same outfit to school your senior year.... Thats so funny. love yall bunches can't wait to see you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that other comment was me I don't know why it did not put my name...
love ya Kerrie

The Sparks said...

I don't know what Hannah Grace is going to do - you are the one she looks to for her fashion sense!!!

Hey, is that the same outfit you have on in the picture of you and Aunt Cindy and Kerrie and then with Aunt Lois?

It was good seeing you Saturday night - Love to you!

Anonymous said...

My goodness!!! Michael and Julie got the biggest kick out of your outfit faux pas. Julie is not happy that she won't get to see your cool shoes this year! Hope you are having a great summer. Michael really misses you and is starting to get a bit nervous about next year. I miss you too and all of the "therapy" you do. Enjoy the rest of the summer and call us sometime so we can get together!!!
Christina, Michael and Julie Covil