Monday, August 14, 2006

Home Away from Home We are finally getting settled in our Home Away From Home. We have so many people to thank for all the prayers and help that we have received over the past seven weeks. We still need your prayers as we move foward in the rebuilding phase of our home, which should begin in the next few weeks. Most of our things have been removed from our home. When we went by the house today the workers were taking the floors up( we were so proud when we completed that home improvement). We are still working on the inventory sheets, this is so time consuming we are having to list everything that was in the house (when we bought, where we bought, how much we paid for it.) And there was a lot of stuff in my house, we have lived there for 29+ years and I am a pack rat. We had the dogs at the rental house for a few days this week, but we took them back to my parents house on Monday, there isn't a fence here and the dogs were not getting enough of playtime. Ashley has returned to the classroom as a student and a teacher in the past few weeks. She will complete her Masters in October of 2007. She saids her little third graders are just so precious, and she has fell in love with each one of them. Kerrie is busy making plans for her wedding, which will take place ONE year from the day of the house fire so we have alot to do in the next few months.I will need lots of help with the wedding and trying to furnish our home when the rebuilding is finished. We went to the beach for the week and had some much fun just being together as a family, we had nothing to do but spend time together, something we haven't taken the time to do lately. I went back to work last week after alot of soul searching many prayers. The Lord knows if I was not at work I would be at the old house bugging the work crew. There is more to update on but I will close for now. Cindy

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